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Finding the Right Herb for You


Do you ever wonder why one herb works for one person but not the other? There is a reason-energetics!

According to Rosalee de la Forêt energetics,

“Is based on the physical sensations you experience everyday. At its essence, energetics refers to a classification system based on four complimentary qualities: hot/cold and dry/damp.”

Energetics may sound quacky and complicated but it is actually really beautiful and something we do already.

Do you prefer warm weather or cold? How do you feel in the humidity? Does your face get easily red or flushed? Are you a more active person?

All these questions are how we know the energetics of our body. Amazingly, plants also have energetics and how we know this is by tasting the plant. How does it feel on the tongue? What sensation do we feel when it enters the body? What does it do within the body?

All these things can help practitioners determine what herb is right for the person. It’s like borrowing a friend’s clothes that are a couple sizes off. It may be a good fit for your friend but you are two very different sizes. You find yourself trying to be comfortable in something that wasn’t made for you. We were all made beautifully unique(even in our messes) and creation tries to show us that everyday. God painted each flower with its own design. He gave each species of animal their own special color. And, he gave each plant a way of helping to heal, specific to our bodies. Creation is crying out, “look what God has done!” All we have to do is learn how to use what has already been given to us!

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